Why Motives Matter: Dealing with the After-Effects of Mass Violence




On July 4, 2022, a mass shooting in a Chicago suburb during a parade resulted in seven dead. This was not the only shooting to occur that day. 另有11起大规模枪击事件被报道. 美国发生了300多起大规模枪击事件.S. 自2022年初以来,皇家88账户注册相当于1.每天6起大规模枪击事件. For most of these incidents, we basically know who, what, when, where and how. 皇家88账户注册些行为发生的原因仍在审查之中.

While it may seem unimportant to question 动机s, the answer is of great significance to threat assessment professionals like myself and our Threat and Violence Risk Management team at Jensen Hughes. Understanding why can help prevent future violence.


威胁评估 is the process of gathering and assessing information about individuals who may have the interest, 动机, 发动攻击的意图和能力. 运用多种调查技巧, 确证和常识, the threat assessment professional gathers information and evidence to make a thoughtful assessment of the threat an individual may pose to a target. Multiple factors are considered during a comprehensive investigation, including:

  • 精神和行为史
  • 生活现状
  • 动机
  • Attack-related行为
  • 促进和缓解因素
  • 组织利益和隶属关系
  • Specialized training and ownership of or ability to acquire weapons

一旦做出评估, a plan can be developed and implemented to monitor the individual and intervene to prevent an attack, 适当的.


Why is it so important to know a person’s 动机 for carrying out an act of targeted violence? Attention to the individual’s 动机s and attack-related behaviors and the systems the individual is involved with (e.g., 家庭, 工作, 社区, 刑事司法, mental health and social services) are key to assessing and managing a potential threat. Gauging the potential threat to and vulnerability of a targeted individual — or a concert event — is key to preventing violence. This knowledge base helps to develop and establish preventive behaviors and actions. How and when interventions 可能发生 to interrupt the pathway to violence helps individuals at risk and provides insight to reduce future harm.

一个特定的最终结果 威胁的调查 is to determine whether an individual has the 动机 and means to commit an attack so that preventive measures, 比如法庭下令的心理健康治疗, 监测, 以及与家人和警察的联系, 可能发生. For example, following the Parkland School mass shooting, 委员会报告 provided details that a threat assessment team could use to take appropriate measures to protect students and staff. It also demonstrated that an adequately trained threat assessment team and structured behavioral threat assessment process is critical to effective violence prevention efforts.


Not all warning signs are clear indicators of violence. 进一步, when a direct 动机 cannot be found for mass violence, it leads to concerns that such acts are not preventable – so, 为什么要皇家88账户注册么麻烦? While the after-action reviews and discussions are sometimes challenging, they help to save lives. Threat professionals assess each of these acts to develop greater awareness, 知识和预防方法.

例如,皇家88娱乐在 after-action review of the Virginia Beach mass shooting identified indicators of increased isolation and 工作place dissatisfaction. While not all such behaviors lead to a mass shooting event, our review of this incident provides a guidepost for threat assessment professionals as they seek to intervene and interrupt the pathway to violence within the 工作place and other arenas.

The more we understand the 动机s and behaviors of assailants, the better we can be at preventing targeted violence through intervention, 培训和意识. 了解更多 about how our security experts can help you foster a safe and secure 工作ing environment through our threat and violence risk assessment and management services.

黛布拉K的大头照. 科比


黛布拉K. 科比
Debra brings command experience in patrol operations, 调查, 有组织犯罪, 执法培训, 政策发展, data-led policing and internal affairs with an acute focus on integrity systems, covert operations and the need for strong accountability practices in support of operational priorities.